Paulmerie, Instruments de Paulme et de Billard

Author: Diderot, Denis
Publication date: 1787
Plate IV from the "Paulmerie" series in Diderot's Encyclopedia.  Images 14-22 show various billiard implements, including ivory balls (14, 15), short cue 16, long cue 17, thick mace 18, small mace 19, large mace 29, iron port 21 and mace rack 22.  Scales at the bottom permits accurate measurement of length.  1 puce = 1 inch.  1 peid = 1 foot.
Language: French
Location: France
Source: Young Collection
In Archive:
English title: Tennis. Tennis and Billiard Implements
Place: France
Publication Date: 1787
Medium: Copperplate engraving
Height/Width: 8 x 12
Number: 85