Croquades diverses par Daumier

Author: Honoré Daumier (1808-1879)
Publication date: c.1860

B&W engraving of three men at a billiard table.  Two men are drinking.  A scoring marker is at rear.  According to Wikipedia, "Robert Macaire is a fictional character, an unscrupulous swindler, who appears in a number of French plays, films, and other works of art. In French culture he represents an archetypal villain. He was principally the creation of an actor, Frédérick Lemaître, who took the stock figure of "a ragged tramp, a common thief with tattered frock coat patched pants" and transformed him during his performances into "the dapper confidence man, the financial schemer, the juggler of joint-stock companies" that could serve to lampoon financial speculation and government corruption."

Language: French
Location: France, Paris 
Source: Gallica, Bibliothèque municipale de Bordeaux
In Archive:
Sub title: La partie de billard à la Robert-Macaire ou l'art de mettre les novices dans la blouse
English title: Diverse sketches by Daumier. Billiards according to Robert-Macaire or the art of sinking novices.
Place: France, Paris 
Publication Date: c.1860
Journal: Le Charivari
Medium: JPG only