Edmond dans sa salle de billard séduit une jeune marchand

Author: Louis Binet (French, 1744-1800)
Publication date: c.1766

B&W engraving of a man seated by a billiard table trying to seduce a woman.  He is looking at her seductively and pointing to the billiard table as if to invite her to a game.  A mace, a port, and two balls are visible on the table.  A rack of maces is on the back wall.

Location: France
Source: Gallica, Bibliothèque nationale de France
In Archive:
English title: Edmond in his billiard room seduces a young merchant girl
Place: France
Publication Date: c.1766
Series: Illustrations de Le Paysan perverti ou les dangers de la ville
Medium: JPG only